
What We Offer

Is sleep essential for athletic performance?

How does sleep actually make a difference? Is it really that important?

Is there a dose relationship between sleep and performance?

What does the research tell us when sleep is optimised in elite performers?

What are the implications to performance when sleep is lost?

How much of an impact can bad sleep quality and quantity really have on performance?

AND... can sleep be optimised to improve performance?

Does research show that sleeping patterns can be altered through medical interventions to increase performance...


Keep this cooler (neutral temperature), Dark and as quiet as possible, Avoid distractions in the bedroom...


Keep out of the bedroom as much as possible, Avoid 30 minutes before bedtime, Use can delay sleep onset time...

Diet and Fluid

Avoid over hydration in later into the evening to stop the need to wake at night...


Try and think about what you need and why?​– What is actually going on?​ Try to look at targeted medications and therapy...


You are allowed to nap but ensure it is done properly​, Don’t nap for longer 30 minutes​, Avoid naps later in the day​...


Low level lighting to calm the room at night to aid ‘switching off’​, Try red or orange side lighting rather than bright white bedside lights​...

Low Tech Options

Humidifiers and diffusers, Lavender oils and senses can help promote calmness and also preparation for sleep...

Sleep tracker

In theory not a bad option, Is more data more helpful with the untrained eye​, A good potential screening tool...

To enquire about our one 2 one coaching please complete the form below -

To enquire about team sleep management please complete the form below​

5 Tips to better travel

1- Know the time zone of where and when you land
  • Work out what time you will be landing and what you would normally do at that time
  • Set yourself to sleep at the time of your arrival not departure
  • Eat the right meals at the right time for your arrival
2- Daylight light is your best friend
  • Get into bright daylight as soon as possible when you land
  • Get outside for breakfast into the daylight
  • Being outside on the first day of arrival will help your body adjust
3- Fight the temptation
  • If tired do not nap during the day (especially first day or two and definitely not later after midday)
  • No lie ins – avoid staying in a dark bedroom and find your daylight friend
  • An early night is ok but not too early. You don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night on the wrong time zone
4- Eat right : Sleep right
  • Fight the temptation to snack randomly – you wouldn’t do this at home
  • Eat the right meal at the right time – avoiding snacking will allow you to eat the right meal at the right time resetting the rhythm
  • Stay well hydrated (especially after a long flight) but avoid alcohol and caffeine until your clock has reset
5- Don’t cheat
  • Avoid medications to help the journey unless discussed with a professional
  • There is no ‘one hit wonder’ that will make it all better – you will have to work things together
  • If travelling as a team try and get people out together at the same time to reset the team as a group – you don’t want one player setting a different time zone to the others

Dr Saagar Patel

Sleep Coach
Medical Director
Dr Patel works in the NHS as a Medical Doctor specialising in Sleep Medicine. For over 5 years now he has worked with some of the biggest sports teams and individuals in the world. His sleep expertise have been used by teams to aid them in various scenarios from World Cup preparations, to pre-season training camps, mid season travel plans,…

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Dr. Saagar Patel

Dr Patel works in the NHS as a Medical Doctor specialising in Sleep Medicine. For over 5 years now he has worked with some of the biggest sports teams and individuals in the world. His sleep expertise have been used by teams to aid them in various scenarios from World Cup preparations, to pre-season training camps, mid season travel plans, event planning and ongoing sleep coaching. Working with our Head Chef Chris Marshall they work to ensure the meals you need are compatible with your personal needs. He has developed the model for the Martel Performance approach with the team giving a clear vision to help clubs and athletes realise their true potential through wellbeing and marginal gains.


Is sleep essential for athletic performance?

Simply YES! Sleep is a special state, required for body restitution & tissue repairs (Horne et al. 1981) In the absence of effective sleep, (Sleep deprivation), the detrimental consequences on cognitive function, mood, daytime sleepiness, and traditional performance indices such as reaction time and learning and memory tasks (Dinges et al., 1997; Carskadon & Dement 1981; Van Dongen et al., 2003) Several studies have also demonstrated the negative impact of sleep restriction on physical performance including weight-lifting, cardiorespiratory functioning, and psychomotor tasks that require accuracy and consistent performance (Mougin et al., 1991; Reilly T, 1994).

Anecdotal evidence indicates that athletes are concerned about the amount and quality of sleep they obtain as they believe that good sleep substantially contributes to their capacity to compete at an optimal level (Postolache, 2005; Samuels, 2008). The importance of sleep for optimal athletic performance and recovery, cognitive/academic performance, and well-being, together with, reducing injury and illness risk within athletes has been consistently reported recently (see Luke et al., 2011; Milewski et al., 2014;Owens J. et al., 2014; Baert et al., 2015; Bergeron et al., 2015; Diaz-Morales and Escribano, 2015; Fullagar H. H. et al., 2015; Fullagar H. H. K. et al., 2015; Nedelec et al., 2015a; Prather et al., 2015; Thun et al., 2015). A 2hr sleep extension has been shown to improve serving accuracy in varsity tennis players (Schwartz & Simon. 2015) Despite a large degree of inter-individual variability, Staunton et al., demonstrated a strong relationship between sleep and match performance, in which sleep monitoring might assist the optimisation of performance (Staunton et al., 2016) Mah & co-workers demonstrated that specific improvements in measures of basketball performance after sleep extension indicate that optimal sleep is likely beneficial in reaching peak athletic performance (Mah et al., 2011).


Is there a dose relationship between sleep and performance?

In operational settings, performance declines as a function of work load and sleep loss (Bonnet 1991; Fullagar et al., 2015). Several experiments have placed naps, ranging from 60 to 240 min, at varying points during sleep loss in an attempt to reverse the accumulating fatigue. Conclusions that can be drawn from these studies are (see Bonnet 1991): Naps generally reduce but do not reverse the effects of sleep loss. Naps, particularly during the circadian trough, may result in significantly decreased performance (“sleep inertia”) shortly after awakening The length of a nap (1hr to 3hrs) cannot be readily determined from the studies that have been performed to date due to interacting methodological problems such as lack of control of circadian effects
The study by Oliver et al., demonstrates that running and endurance performance was poorer (less) following sleep deprivation (Oliver et al., 2009). They also noted that participants “perception of effort” was modified by decreased sleep, which may account for decreased endurance. Thus, it is widely accepted that sleep loss is a common occurrence prior to competition in athletes, this could significantly impact upon their athletic performance. Much of the previous research has reported that exercise performance is negatively affected following sleep loss Conflicting findings mean that the extent, influence, and mechanisms of sleep loss affecting exercise performance remain uncertain. What about sleep extension? Mah et al., showed that compared to baseline, 5 to 7 weeks of sleep extension subjects demonstrated improved PVT performance during daily and weekly testing. Mean reaction time for all daily and weekly PVT periods significantly decreased (P < 0.05). Nearly all other PVT performance measures showed a significant improvement following sleep extension, notably a decreased number of lapses and daily minimum reaction time. Sleep extension also increased mean basketball shooting accuracy (as indicated by an increase in the percentage of successful shots for both free throws) by 9% and 3-point field goals by 9.2%. Following extended sleep, subjects also notably increased their speed resulting in faster sprint times (0.7sec faster).

What are the implications to performance when sleep is lost?

With increasing competiveness, professionalism, training, and fixture congestion within sport, athlete rest and recovery is compromised as a result (Bergeron et al., 2015). The International Olympic Committee (IOC), has called for diligence to safeguard psycho-physiological development (Bergeron et al., 2015; Mountjoy and Bergeron, 2015). The maintenance of appropriate rest (particularly sleep for adolescent athletes) was discussed within the recent IOC consensus statement, which stated the need to “design youth athlete development programmes … to mitigate the risk of overuse injuries and other health problems … providing sufficient and regular rest and recovery, to encourage positive adaptations and progressive

athletic development” (Bergeron et al., 2015) In a study of whether sleep duration was positively related to baseline neurocognitive performance, Sufrinko and colleagues examined the effect of preinjury sleep difficulties on post-concussion impairments. The sample included 348 adolescent and adult athletes with a diagnosed sport related concussion. The sample was divided into 2 groups: 34 participants with preinjury sleep difficulties (sleeping less as well as having trouble falling asleep) and 231 participants without preinjury sleep difficulties (controls). They found that: Groups differed significantly in post-injury intervals for reaction time, with the preinjury sleep group performing worse than controls after injury. Groups also differed significantly on verbal memory performance with the preinjury sleep group performing worse than the controls after injury. They concluded that pre-injury sleep difficulties may exacerbate neurocognitive impairment and symptoms after concussion. The findings may help clinicians identify athletes who are at risk for worse impairments after a concussion due to preinjury sleep difficulties. Likewise, Laux et al., examined the contribution of stress and recovery variables (with the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport)) to the risk of injury in professional football players, found that a lack of sleep or non-refreshing sleep also increases injury risk. 34 traumatic injuries and 10 overuse injuries occurred. Most of the injuries were the lower limb (79.5%), and muscle and tendon injuries(43.2%) The recovery-related scale Sleep Quality significantly predicted injuries in the month after the assessment.


AND... can sleep be optimised to improve performance?

Simply…yes…again! It remains relatively unknown whether improving sleep quality or quantity can improve performance or post-match recovery. Therefore, Fullagar et al,. aimed to investigate the effect of an acute sleep hygiene strategy on physical and perceptual recovery of players following a late-night soccer match (Fullagar et al., 2016). They found that an acute sleep hygiene strategy improved sleep quantity following a late-night soccer match; albeit without any improvement in physical performance, perceptual recovery or blood-borne markers of muscle damage and inflammation. But what about sleep and performance…. See Mah et al.,!! A study by van Ryswyk et al., of well-being and performance indicators in a
group of Australian Football League players following a six-week sleep optimisation programme found that: Total sleep time increased by approximately 20 min (p < .05) and sleep efficiency by 2% (p < 0.05). There was a corresponding increase in vigour (p < 0.001) and decrease in fatigue (p < 0.05). They concluded that improvements in sleep efficiency, fatigue and vigour indicate that a sleep optimisation programme may improve athletes’ well-being, but conceded that more research is required into the effects of sleep optimisation on athletic performance.


  • Keep this cooler (neutral temperature) ​
  • Dark and as quiet as possible ​
  • Avoid distractions in the bedroom ​
    • – Use of a devices box ​
    • – place all devices away before bed
  • Avoid food and drink in the bedroom​​
  • Use a low lit clock or one that cannot be seen to avoid clock watching
    • – Do not use the phone as an alarm clock​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team

Electronic Devices ​

  • Keep out of the bedroom as much as possible
  • Avoid 30 minutes before bedtime
  • Use can delay sleep onset time
  • If possible – charge the phone outside the bedroom
  • Not a case of blue light but a distraction
    • – Avoid using as an alarm clock
    • – Even if on vibrate – it is still a distraction
  • TVs
    • – Problem in hotels
    • – The “Love Island” disease

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team

Diet and Fluid​

  • Avoid over hydration in later into the evening to stop the need to wake at night
    • – Involve the nutrition team if needed​
    • – Especially difficult during night matches​
  • Avoid caffeine 5-6 hours before bedtime​
    • – Difficult for night matches​
  • Large meals before bedtime will not only impact on sleep but diet and weight management​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team


  • Try and think about what you need and why?​
    • – What is actually going on?​
  • Try to look at targeted medications and therapy
    • – Allergy​
    • – Reflux​
    • – Pain​
    • – Tiredness​
    • – Mental Health – depression, anxiety, home sick​
  • We don’t prescribe sleeping tablets​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team


  • You are allowed to nap but ensure it is done properly​
  • Don’t nap for longer 30 minutes​
  • Avoid naps later in the day​
  • Good way to increase total sleep time if used properly​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team


  • Low level lighting to calm the room at night to aid ‘switching off’​
  • Try red or orange side lighting rather than bright white bedside lights​
  • ​Use a dim light if night lighting is needed to avoid awakening​
  • ​Avoid bathroom lighting where possible​
  • – Use low level lighting if possible in time before bed​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team

Low tech options

  • Humidifiers and diffusers
    • – Lavender oils and senses can help promote calmness and also preparation for sleep
  • Lighting
    • – Use the low tech motion sensor lights
    • – Helps with night time awakening if using the bathroom
  • Blue screen glasses and filters
    • – Throw them away and just switch the device off

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team

Sleep Trackers

  • In theory not a bad option ​
    • – Is more data more helpful with the untrained eye​
    • – A good potential screening tool but in game and match weeks – not so convinced​
  • Match week​
    • – If the player is sleeping well – excellent​
    • – 2 days before the match do we really need the player to look at the data with their untrained eye and read ‘you did not sleep well last night’ or ‘your total sleep time has been down this week’​

For more information and updates subscribe to our service contact our Sleep Team