Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Martel Performance, we focus on “your health, your fuel, your recovery”. We have set this business up to focus on the well-being of professional athletes. There are two main factors, sleep and nutrition.
Below are a few frequently asked questions:

Why is sleep important for health?

Sleep is crucial for overall health because it allows the body to repair itself, supports cognitive function, and helps maintain emotional well-being. Poor sleep can lead to various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and impaired immune function.

How many hours of sleep do I need each night?

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. However, individual needs can vary based on age, lifestyle, and overall health.

What are the signs of sleep deprivation?

Common signs of sleep deprivation include excessive daytime sleepiness, irritability, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and a weakened immune system.

What can I do to improve my sleep quality?

To improve sleep quality, establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, limit exposure to screens before bed, keep your sleep environment cool and dark, and avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime.

Are there specific foods that can help me sleep better?

Yes, foods rich in tryptophan (like turkey and nuts), magnesium (such as leafy greens and almonds), and melatonin (like cherries) can promote better sleep. Avoiding caffeine and sugary foods before bed is also beneficial.

How does exercise impact sleep?

Regular exercise can improve sleep quality by reducing stress and helping you fall asleep faster. However, intense exercise close to bedtime may have the opposite effect, so try to work out earlier in the day.

What are common sleep disorders?

Common sleep disorders include insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep), sleep apnea (pauses in breathing during sleep), restless legs syndrome (an uncontrollable urge to move the legs), and narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness).

How do I know if I have a sleep disorder?

If you consistently experience difficulty sleeping, excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, or unusual movements during sleep, you may have a sleep disorder and should consult a healthcare professional for evaluation.

How much sleep do children need?

Sleep requirements vary by age: newborns (14-17 hours), infants (12-15 hours), toddlers (11-14 hours), preschoolers (10-13 hours), school-age children (9-11 hours), and teenagers (8-10 hours).

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